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Elizabeth Kelly Books

Broken (EBOOK)

Broken (EBOOK)

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Ford Taylor has endured the whispers and the horrified stares his entire life.  Rejected by both his family and strangers for the way he looks, he’s grown accustomed to his lonely life.  His life is changed forever when Stella, the redheaded beauty he harbors a secret crush on, befriends him.

Photographer, Stella Johnson, is fascinated by the quiet man with the unconventional looks.  Her sweet nature and her ability to see Ford for who he really is slowly breaks down the walls he’s built around his heart.  Their friendship soon blossoms into love.

But when Ford’s insecurities and a dark secret from his past threaten their relationship, Stella must convince him that their love for each other is the only thing that matters.



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Read an excerpt

Ford stared out the window of the small den. It was four minutes to midnight, and he could hear the loud chatter and laughter of the others in the living room. He slipped away because he didn’t want to be standing there awkwardly when people began kissing at midnight, he told himself. It certainly wasn’t because he didn’t want to see Stella kissing Greg. Nope, it had nothing to do with that. Stella was his friend. If she wanted to date a man who wasn’t good enough for her, that was her choice and –


He whipped around, staring blankly at Stella in that green dress as she shut the door.

“What are you doing in here?” she said.

“What are you doing in here?”

“Looking for you.”


“Why have you been avoiding me all night?” she said.

“I haven’t,” he said.


“Why are you here?” he repeated.

“It’s almost midnight. I wanted to celebrate with you.”

“You should get back to Greg. He’ll want his New Year’s kiss.” He wondered if she could hear the bitterness in his voice.

“Why would I be kissing Greg at midnight?” she said in puzzlement.

“You’re on a date tonight, aren’t you?” He winced at the accusing tone.

“Is that why you’re being such a dick tonight?” she said. “You think I’m on a date with Greg?”

“I saw you come in together. He was holding your arm and he told me you were on a date,” he said. “I’m not being a dick.”

He turned and stared out the window as Stella snorted softly and joined him.

“We happened to show up at the same time and walked into the party together. I am not on a date with Greg tonight, and I have no idea why he told you we were. I barely know him, and you are so being a dick. You’ve ignored me all night.”

She tugged him around to face her and he shivered when her hands wrapped around his arms. “Look at me, Ford.”

“Stella, I -”

Outside of the den, there was a loud cheer as the clock struck midnight. He stared down into Stella’s hazel eyes, at the small flecks of green near her pupils as she reached up and slid her cool hand around the back of his neck. She tugged lightly and like a man in a dream, he leaned down until he could feel her breath on his lips.

“Happy New Year, Ford,” she whispered and pressed her mouth against his.

At the feel of her soft lips, he made a harsh, almost desperate groan and slid his arms around her waist. He pulled her up against his body and returned her kiss with a gentleness that seemed to surprise her. His tongue traced her lips and she opened them eagerly, making a whimper of disappointment when he pulled his head back.

“Ford, please,” she whispered.

“Stella,” he breathed and then his mouth was on hers again. He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, sliding his tongue across it as he sucked gently then roughly.

* * *

With her heart pounding in her chest and her entire body quivering, Stella pressed her body against Ford and opened her mouth wide. He slid his tongue into her mouth as one hand curled into her hair and tugged lightly. She let her head drop back as he kissed her repeatedly.

He certainly didn’t kiss like a virgin, she thought dimly. In fact, she was certain Ford was the best kisser in the goddamn world. The way he alternated between gentle and firm pressure and the delicate strokes of his tongue was driving her insane. Her entire body was on fire with lust, and she squirmed against him as he captured her mouth again.

Where the hell did he learn to kiss like that?

He bit her bottom lip, and her mind made a startled little yelp before it decided to just shut the hell up and enjoy the experience. This time his gentleness was gone, and she moaned helplessly when Ford took her mouth in a possessive kiss. His tongue demanded entrance and she gave him what he wanted as she sagged against him. He held her up easily as their kisses grew more frantic and she moaned his name.

Without speaking, he lifted her and set her on the desk behind them. He stepped between her parted legs and pressed his erection against her belly. She moaned again and rubbed against him like a cat. His breath caught in his throat, and she didn’t object when he reached behind her and unzipped her dress. He pulled the thin straps of her dress down her arms, and she wiggled out of it as he pushed the dress around her waist.

He inhaled sharply, his entire body tensing as he stared at her large breasts in the bustier. He didn’t move a muscle. His hands were frozen into fists at his side as he continued to stare at her. She arched her back in silent encouragement to touch her. He made a harsh groan but didn’t move.

“Ford,” she whispered, “touch me.”

Her whispered plea broke his paralysis, and she moaned happily when one large hand cupped her breast. He stroked her nipple through the satin material, and she made another moan of encouragement.

“So beautiful,” he murmured before dipping his head to press a kiss against her collarbone.

She squeezed his waist tightly as he pressed kisses across the delicate skin of her throat. “You smell so good, Stella.”

“Thank you,” she whispered. “Do you like my dress?”

“Yes,” he said hoarsely.

“I wore it for you,” she said.

He sucked on her earlobe, and she made another soft moan as he started to worm his hand under the cup of her bustier and kissed her deeply.

She groaned in frustration when he pulled his hand away. “What’s wrong?”

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